Ben Oliver

Banner image for Naqoyqatsi


A life of killing.
21 March 2015

The final instalment of Reggio’s Qatsi montage trilogy.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; it’s ironic that such an experimental set of films should suffer from the Hollywood sequel syndrome. The first film moved me to tears, the second was interesting enough and this one was almost unwatchable.

Naqoyqatsi breaks from the other two films, opting to use lots of CGI images and computer generated editing techniques. This results in a dated, crap looking film. Not only that, but it’s laughably heavy handed and pretentious.

The Philip Glass soundtrack doesn’t save this one. The way Reggio is so desperately trying to make us feel bad about ourselves is loathsome; I had an allergic reaction to the stupidly put together montages of corporate logos.

As someone1 said: What’s the Hopi word for “Life as an assistant graphics editor in a local news channel” ?

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