Cafe Society
Bobby, a young man wanting to create a new life for himself (Jesse Eisenberg) moves to LA, gets a job with his Hollywood agent uncle (Steve Carell) and falls in love with his uncle’s assistant, Veronica (Kristen Stewart), who already has a boyfriend. It soon comes to light that her ‘boyfriend’ is actually Bobby’s uncle, and she must choose between the two.
Believe it or not a romance involving Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart actually works quite well. Stewart’s naturalistic style clashes with Eisenberg’s neurotic New Yorker and yet the romance feels like it comes from a real place.
It’s easy on the eyes. The costume and set design is lovely and Allen bathes the whole thing in golden light like a daydream.
Once he starts breaking out philosophy quotes things get a little shaky and there are definitely some issues with pacing, but otherwise Cafe Society is a short, simple and charming little film.