Ben Oliver

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No offense, but their performances were terrible.
29 April 2018

This is one from my childhood (or early teens) that I remember mainly for the x-ray binoculars Vin Diesel uses to see through women’s clothes. What had escaped me was how spectacularly shite it is as a film in spite of this wonderful invention.

Even a cameo from awesome skateboarder Tony Hawk couldn’t save it. It’s got all the shit effects, awful soundtrack and one note acting you’d expect from a film where the tagline is ‘look how cool Vin Diesel is’. All of these things can be redeemed though if you inject a bit of fun and adrenaline into the film but instead this is a soulless husk, devoid of anything but Diesel’s gormless mug.

Unlike Mr. Diesel, this film has not aged well. They made two sequels and I think I hate myself enough to watch them.

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