Ben Oliver


Minor site update

22 February 2019

I’ve made a couple of changes to the site based on email requests and a few ideas I’ve been meaning to implement for a while.

Post Icons

Posts on the front page are colour coded based on category. Now they also have an icon to denote the category.

It may look a little clumsy, it’s because I used emoji as icons. No I’m not a 21 year-old instagrammer. I had a couple of technical reasons for doing this:

The main drawback is that it looks different from OS to OS. I can live with that. This site uses system fonts anyway, so this is in keeping with that philosophy.

I’ve built a way to post ‘links’. When you click these posts on the home page, you will be taken to the linked site rather than a post on my site. The post itself will be available from the archive, but the content won’t be any more than what you see on the front page: just a sentence to describe the content.

I figure if I want to say more I’ll make a regular post.

Let me know if anything is broken for you.

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