Ben Oliver

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Second Act

The truth is a lie.
27 May 2021

A woman working at a supermarket (Jennifer Lopez) blags a job interview at a huge cosmetics company, in product development. She shows up to the interview to find that her friend has set up a fake CV and fake life for her to make her look better. She lands the job anyway and must try to live up to her ‘reputation’.

Two films for the price of one. A bonkers twist in the middle sends the whole thing down another path, while the first story keeps trying to play out at the same time. It’s a mess.

I like J-Lo but she’s not really passing as an everywoman here, she can’t avoid looking like a superstar. When she lands the big job people tell her she’s changed; there is no change. It’s just Jenny from the block still.

A confusing, frustrating film.

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