Ben Oliver

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The Beta Test

I fucking hate the internet. I just want it to be the early 2000s.
23 April 2023

A soon-to-be-married Hollywood agent (Jim Cummings) receives a letter in the post offering a night of anonymous, no strings attached sex. When he accepts the offer he becomes embroiled in a mysterious world of murder, infidelity and lies.

Touching on the Harvey Weinstein scandal, social media data gathering, Hollywood in the modern age, cancel culture and even the Writer’s Guild of America’s fight with Hollywood agencies, this is way too ambitious for its short run-time and low budget.

Nevertheless, The Beta Test builds a compelling enough mystery - it’s just a shame that it unravels far too quickly to be satisfying. By the time the big reveal comes, there are no big surprises left for us to guess at.

Good performances and a great idea, hampered a little by an awkward execution.

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