Ben Oliver


The Sheffield Pork Sandwich Tour: Kings Deli and Sandwich Shop

14 February 2023

I love Sheffield but god this is part of town is really down on its luck. Down one of the side streets between Wilko and B&M Bargains lies a little row of shops, the kind of shops you wouldn’t immediately think are actually open and trading.

Here lies Kings [sic] Deli and Sandwich Shop, our latest stop on the pork tour of the Steel City.

Kings Deli and Sandwich Shop

Outside the shop it’s people fighting at the bus stop, shouting and scaring mums walking by with their kids. A woman sells dodgy phone cases on a solitary, ad-hoc fold-out table.

Inside however it’s a different story, the staff are friendly, and even on a Tuesday morning there were a few punters in there getting pork sandwiches.

A roast pork sandwich

The sandwich itself is pretty standard fare, chunky pork, apple sauce, stuffing, dripping and crackling. The dripping is freshly made every day, and it adds a lot to the experience.

The crackling was a little thin and rubbery. The pork itself just a touch too dry. But the taste was spot on and it all came in a good quality breadcake.

The inside of a roast pork sandwich

Inflation is hitting these places hard, £3.80 seems a lot for what should be one of the cheaper places to eat, but it still gets the thumbs up from me. It’s a much needed beacon of friendliness and good food in a street that’s hitting rock bottom.

Price: £3.80
Address: 20 Dixon Lane, Sheffield S1 2AL

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